Today will be a work day. You have several assignments you can work on.
1. Finish your BookTrack for your 6 second story. BookTracks are due on Thursday at the end of the period. You will have time on Thursday to finish up.
2. GrammarFlip - Lessons 1, 2, 3 are due Tuesday when you come into class. If you don't want homework over the 3-day weekend, you will want to get this done by Friday.
3. NaNoWriMo - We will begin revising tomorrow. Please have a section of your novel (no more than 800 words or 1-3 pages) copy and pasted on to a new Google Doc. You will share this document with your partner for editing and revising tomorrow.
4. Blogging - Don't forget to finish your daily blog.
Week at a Glance:
Wednesday: Partner revisions for NaNoWriMo. You need a section of your novel ready for review.
Thursday: Work period. You can work on BookTrack if you have not finished, NaNoWriMo or GrammarFlip.
Friday: 20% Time - Bad Idea Factory